Cambridge Underground 1984 p 2

The Editorial Bit

Well, here we are again, another year later and another later journal.

Editorials should be like mini-skirts, long enough to be decent but short enough to maintain interest, so I'd like to thank everbody who wrote articles and helped with the production of the journal, and encourage anyone who might feel like doing so in the future. Thanks especially to Becky who proof read it, because my spelling is awful.

Any comments, slanders or libels should not be directed to me, but to next year's editor, Nick Hawkes, c/o James Hickson, address below. Preferably you could inundate him with articles.

Since I had no entries for the quiz in last year's journal, the prize, which was to have been a case of Champagne, will have to remain in my possession. The answers are to be found elsewhere in this edition.

Finally, apologies for the late publication this year, but a certain critical article which shall remain nameless only arrived two days before departure for Austria. The only consolation is the Austria '84 Stop Press.

OK, thats it, off we go

Dr. J. Hickson,
Pembroke College,

Mike Richardson

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