Cambridge Underground 1978 p 2


The appearance of Cambridge Underground 1978, our second successive lithographic extravaganza, brings almost to an end a remarkably good year for the club. Membership has nearly doubled since the last annual role call, and although it would be wrong to measure its success merely in terms of its size, in terms of the numbers of pots bashed, or even pints downed, this year must surely be a record. Of course large changes are to be expected from year to year simply as 'statistical fluctuations', but the achievements of the club over the past twelve months must in part be attributed to the enthusiasm of a particularly motivated hard-core. I only hope that the new members have been inspired, rather than deterred by their examples. Although this is echoing to some extent the sentiments expressed by Simon in his Bit, I stress these points in the editorial, partly because I can think of nothing better to say, and also because since the journal is not intended to be a glorified log-book, the reader is referred to these records if they want to find accounts of the large numbers of tourist trips done.

I extend my grateful thanks to all those who have co-operated in the production of the journal and hence made its appearance possible - to those who have written or typed articles, and perhaps more especially to all those who have done anything in the past year worth writing about, to our advertisers without whose financial assistance the journal would never be printed, and finally to all those who have bought a copy (and if you're reading someone else's, go and buy your own!)

We are always pleased to hear from clubs that would like to set up journal exchanges, and can always be contacted via our permanent mailing address:

Cambridge University Caving Club,
c/o Wherry Library,
St. John's College,
Cambridge C82 1TP

Mike Perryman

[ Web editor's note: that permanent address is now way out of date - please see the current CUCC pages for up-to-date details ]

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