Newsletter - 29th October 1996
Yorks I
We had to cancel the minibus, so underwhelmed were we by the number of
novices anxious to go caving; so for once we made the pub before it shut.
This enabled us to sit around and get pissed (Sam more so than others) until
we found the key to the hut. Suprisingly everyone was up early on Saturday
and raring to go; 3 trips were organised - Lancs, County and Ay Gill - one
for each novice! After the compulsory visit to Mr. Inglerip (to hire
wellies for the novices as JulianH had thoughtfully removed them from his
car and put them tidily back in the tackle store) we went caving. County
was WET, Ay Gill was WETTER and Lancs had a BIG LADDER. Coming out of
County we had to haul an injured Durham caver back up the pitch, making
clever use of Aggy's shiny new swing-cheek pulley he had bought that very
morning (good for opening carbide tins too). Having rescued her we were
then witness to a display of ranting by their leader, that even Rhino would
be proud of. Despite resolutions to do anything but, everyone trooped
across to the Bridge at 8pm and bought cheap and nasty beer from Mrs.
Miserable. On Sunday we had two trips of 6 down Wretched Rabbit and the
misleadingly named Mistral - a wretched cave if ever there was one, saved
only by some amazing formations and a huge cavern full of mud! A pint and a
burger in the Marton, signalled the end to a would-be perfect weekend if it
wasn't for someone taking the YSS hut key home. Come on, own up - who did
Mendip1 - 9/10 November
Different place, different caves, more caving. If you want to see what
Mendip has to offer by way of caves (or even scrumpy!) then stick your name
down on the list - the details will be finalised in the pub next week.
Lunches are now in L5 Neville Court, Trinity from 1pm on Thursdays. If
you're a bit peckish, come along - loads of food and cups of tea for £1.20.
It's about time we had a party so if you have a reasonably central house, or
you don't live with the landlady from hell then how about organising a
bonfire party?
"I have tried it with both sexes and it didn't work" - Becka
"I've got soggy fingers" - Clive, on arriving late in the Helwith Bridge.
Don't get it? Well I guess you had to be there.
Cambridge University Caving Club
Newsletter - 29th October 1996
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