CUCC Meets List 1997-1998

CUCC and EXCS members welcome on any of these meets. To book a place including transport from Cambridge, just turn up at the Panton Arms at a Tuesday pub meet 10 days before the weekend.

The trips listed here are those for which we have permits. Other trips (not needing permits) will take place and those listed will not happen if the weather is unsuitable.

9th Oct: Squash
7.30pm, Pembroke, Old Reader Rm
16th Oct: Squash
7.30pm, Pembroke, Old Reader Rm
Sun 19th Oct: Derbyshire novice meet I
P8, Derbyshire.
Sun 26th Oct: Derbyshire novice meet II
P8, Derbyshire.
1st/2nd Nov: Yorks I
15/16th Nov: Mendip I
29/30th Nov: Yorks II

Not yet confirmed meets:

New Year (from around Boxing Day)
Ingleton Caravans
January: Yorks IV
February: SWales I
February: Yorks V
venue to be booked
March: Peak District
venue to be booked
May: Yorks VI
May: SWales II
venue to be booked
June: Yorks VII, Pre-Tripox meet
June: Mendip II
venue to be booked
Summer - c 5 weeks
Austria Expedition, dates, leader to be decided
see Expo pages for history and objectives of CUCC's annual expedition

> Details of forthcoming exCS meets
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