CUCC Committee 1998-1999

The committee is elected annually, usually in April or May (although due to holding the AGM late this year, its inquoracy delayed the resulting election at an EGM until October). The Senior Treasurer and Librarian are no longer undergraduates, and so are likely to be in Cambridge outside term time.

President: Tim Vasby-Burnie, Trinity

mail: 'trv21' on site ''

Secretary: Andrew Ketley, Trinity Hall

mail: 'ajk23' on site ''

Junior Treasurer: Earl Merson, Churchill

mail: 'em216' on site ''

Senior Treasurer: James Hickson, Pembroke

mail: 'jcdh1' on site ''

Training Officer: Tim Vasby-Burnie, Trinity

see above.

Tacklemaster: Steve Jones, Queens'

mail: 'saj24' on site ''

Dinner Lady: Julian Haines

mail: 'JHaines' on site ''

Librarian: Wookey

mail: 'Wookey' on site ''

Expedition Leader:

This will be decided much nearer the time, when the annual round of grant applications starts (next term).

Other contacts:

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---> Full Index to cave descriptions in area 1623
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